Europe, here I come!

I’m sitting in gate E of Pearson International Airport, and I am vibrating. Seriously, my entire body is a buzz of emotion. I am happy, and excited, and grateful, and terrified. It feels like just yesterday it was February 2nd and I was applying to Linkoping University, and now its June 29th and I am waiting to board my flight to Stockholm, Sweden. Sweden. Europe. It’s something people dream of doing,  and I am actually doing it. For 36 days, Europe will be mine. And it all starts tonight!

This entire experience thus far has been surreal. From the application to the university, to the acceptance, to the booking of flights, right down to the packing I (started) finished today. Now I am at the airport, sipping on a Coors Light, waiting for the lovely human-being to call my flight number over the intercom to signal the beginning of boarding. The first stop is Copenhagen, and if all goes according to plan I will be landing at 10:20am (4:20am our time) tomorrow morning. This time tomorrow (approx 8pm), I will be in the beautiful city of Stockholm, Sweden, and it is such a wonderful feeling.

Mom, thanks for believing in me, and supporting me every step of the way. Your endless love and endless support is what has gotten be this far, and I owe my successes to that. I love you.


Europe, here I come!

As for now, that lovely human is calling my flight so the next you hear from me I will be in Europe.


Lots of love, and bon voyage!

Jess xo

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